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Thermoflow®™ therapeutic health clothing and products are developed with a sophisticated technology which is now available in North America.

Thermoflow®™ FIR garments are scientifically developed to absorb Far-infrared rays and reflect them through the skin, naturally penetrating deep into the tissue to stimulate and improve blood and lymphatic circulation. This promotes regeneration and healing, natural wellness and strength.

Thermoflow®™ FIR health products have been clinically tested at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Science Center at the University of Toronto by Dr. Gordon Ko and Dr. David Berbrayer in the division of physical medicine and rehabilitation. It was found that the products are 90% effective for pain relief. Clinical trial results were published in the Aug. 2002 issue of Alternative Medicine Review.

Our Thermoflow® Far Infrared products have been proven to assist with improving blood circulation while reducing inflammation and pain. We are confident these therapeutic health products will help you if you have suffered ailments such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, lower back pain, and more.

What Are Far Infrared Rays?

Sunlight consists of different wave lengths of light. When combined they produce the “white light” that we experience every day. Infrared light is in this spectrum’s lower range, and although its rays aren’t visible to the eye, it with generates the warmth we feel on bright sunny days.

The complete spectrum of sunlight consists of visible and invisible rays. The visible rays are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, and violet in color, known as rainbow colors. The invisible rays are Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma, Cosmic, Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave, and Infrared.

Electromagnetic waves between visible light and the microwave are called infrared waves. The wavelength of infrared waves range from 0.76 micron to 1,000 microns. The ranges of Near, Medium, and Far-Infrared Rays are 0.76 to 1.5 microns, 1.5 to 4 microns, and 4 to 1,000 microns respectively.

Infrared rays vary in wavelengths, and are categorized as near infrared, mid infrared and far infrared. While these rays share the attributes listed below, they are most noticeable in far infrared waves.

Penetration: Unlike visible light, infrared rays can deeply penetrate skin and the underlying tissues up to 1.5 to 2.8 inches (approx. 3.75 – 7 cm).

Resonance: Infrared rays naturally generate heat by causing the body’s molecules to rapidly vibrate against each other.

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