About Us

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ABOUT US, Thermoflow®  Thermoflow® is a Canadian product manufactured in Vancouver since 1998. It has been offered in Quebec since 2001, while Jeanne-Mance Roy acquired the exclusive distribution license in Quebec in 2004.This Beauce entrepreneur is proud to offer therapeutic clothing that currently helps thousands of people to relieve their joint and / or muscle pain as well as promote bone and muscle health.Thermoflow® offers comfortable and resistant therapeutic products that increase the level of beneficial body heat without medication (pill) or chemical (ointment).Health is our greatest asset. Thermoflow® JM Roy is happy to be able to help with thermotherapy.

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Thermoflow®™ therapeutic health clothing and products are developed with a sophisticated technology which is now available in North America.

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The Ceramics used in the Thermoflow®™ fabrics and materials are made up of a special formula of natural, lead-free stones and minerals (like Silica Oxide (SiO2).

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Published in Alternative Medicine Review, Aug. 2002

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268, 6 ième Avenue Nord
Saint-Georges, Québec, 
Canada, G5Z 0R3
Off.: 418-228-2655

Email:  [email protected]